Elevated Work Platform (WP) HRWL Licence
TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more)
High-Risk Work Licence for Boom type elevating work platform - WP
Plan EWP operations
Implement the risk and hazard assessment strategies
Conduct pre-start operational and visibility checks
Log book checks
Suitability of elevated work platform
Working load limit (WLL)
Inspect harness
Safely move elevated work platform
Safely operate the elevated work platform (EWP)
Work as a safety observer/ spotter
Shutdown and secure the EWP
Upon successful completion the candidate will be awarded:
Statement of Attainment for TLILIC0005 - Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more). with the option to complete RIIRTM203E - Work as a safetyobserver/spotter.
The necessary interim licence to apply for a High-Risk Work Licence for Boom type elevating work platform - WP in Tasmania.
COST: Contact us
DURATION: 2 Day course (small class numbers)
LOCATION: RTV Training Facility
35 Circular Road, Ridgley, Tasmania